
The Christian’s True Identity: What It Means to Be in Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

With its identity politics, numerous gender identity options, “selfies,” and “you-do-you” mentality, society emphasizes individualism, but it seems like people are having a harder time than ever figuring out who they are. The problem is, they are looking for their identity in the wrong places. Are you seeking your identity in relationships, a career, family, race, gender expression, or other...

circumstances will always come up short of giving us the satisfaction we are after. It might feel good for a while—and many can attest that it does feel good—but it will never last. The happiness that these identities offer is always fleeting and fading. Why? As Timothy Keller explains, “To have an identity is to have something sustained that is true of you in every setting. Otherwise there would be no ‘you.’ ”4 So the hunt for an identity is the hunt for something that is true of me in every circumstance
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